APPLE VR HEADSET with fluid filled lenses....

While there have been multiple rumors regarding an Apple AR/VR headset and its features, a recent report states that it might sport fluid filled lenses that will allow it to also work for users with bad eyesight.


According to an AppleInsider report, the Cupertino based giant’s augmented reality/virtual reality headset might feature fluids that can deform to the shape of lens to help improve the eyesight of the user. In either an AR or VR headset, the integral aspect is the ability to see the virtual content. However, since a headset will generally have the display at a close proximity of the users’ eye, which might cause discomfort overtime. Generally, a VR headset uses optical lenses positioned between the eyes and the screen, so being able to adjust the perceived focal distance for the user might make it more comfortable to use.

At the moment, the technology used generally would have the lenses shift distances from the user to change the perceived focal length. Furthermore, this still creates an issue if the user has bad eyesight, which may require a change in lenses to completely remove the issue. This would cause users to remove their glasses before using the VR headsets since changing the lenses isn’t practical. But Apple might be able to working on a fix for the issue with a recent patent titled, “Electronic device with a tunable lens.”


In the patent, the company suggests that the problem of lens selection and switching could be eliminated by using a single lens system. The iPhone maker proposes taking advantage of fluid and pressure to make adjustments through a malleable lens that would require little input from the user. To sum things up, Apple might be working on creating a series of lens components around a central fluid chamber, which can be adjusted by inflating or emptying to change their optical properties.
